Actually..... i actually need to think of a topic and just starting typing without a clue what im going to tell.....just 'on the fly' kind of thing...
I'm just curious what makes a person a better person and what makes the other person bad? How to know it for sure? How to identify such to label them?
Because right now, i'm pretty damn sure that what i did were good thing to do.....but not to some people.....
We heard all sort of saying that not to judge people in whatever aspect....any flaw they have just what normal people really are.....acceptence is the keyword.....tolerance is the action......but do they mean what they've said? People will always be judgemental even little kids.....what makes you better than me? What makes me better than you? Well...i really don't know the answer......its differ from person to person as their mindset also differs from one to the other......
Stop the crap...
Here's video about Internet...hope u guys like it :P
What the world without internet........sorry if i talk crap....i'm just wants to update it but nuthin to blog~! *grin*
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