My hope for this great series is to be over season 4....yeah...I like the series...but again......a good TV series could be 'boring-sux-dragging' storyline if its continue its production (example...smallville....what's the latest season again?)
Same goes to Heroes...i've stop watching Heroes in the middle of season 3...the current season....bcause the storyline is too much 'addon' if u know what i mean.
Okay....The Prison Break thing.....I mean...the twist is too the beginning Scofield and frenz has the enthusiasm to bring down the company....and now they work for them....and then their mom are also behind this...what the heck....!
Seriously....since a big fan of Prison Break and Heroes....but then......their storyline gettin worse and worse every season....*sigh*
heroes best dow.. prison break ku malas nangga, mala jak cita pasal masok klua jail.. hahaa.. heroes da la skit dragging, tp ok...